Masa sekolah rendah dulu, setiap kali ada persembahan pentas mesti ada muka saya. Tarian (tarian melayu, english, sume dah pernah rasa), nyanyian (lagu A Whole New World masa darjah 1 dan lagu Little Mermaid darjah 3), lakonan (becoming a mad scientist, and nenek tua dalam play komedi darjah 5), even newsreading competition..
Ha, tak percaya? Macam mana orang pemalu (kononnya) mcm saya boleh beraksi di hadapan peminat?? *perasan*. For one, it was an all-girls school, so macam takde perasaaan malu-malu pun di situ.. Hehehe..and cikgu2 memang suka ajak ktorg yg kiut2 ni buat persembahan,,, diorg yg ajar pun...hehehehe.
Tapi tu semua di suatu masa yang lampau. Zaman mentah, zaman tak tahu apa-apa. Even though I know I wouldn't ever do those dancing and singing ever again in front of the public (with male wayyy), but those are part of my childhood that I really do treasure. Those are the things that would carve a smile upon my lips, everytime I think about it. The times of great happiness with friends. Worrying about nothing, taking nothing really seriously. I was happy in that great 9 years, from Standard 1 to Form 3, surrounded with lovely peers, maintaining academic records, and having fun all at the same time.
But I'm glad with how things worked out now for me. True, it came as a unbelievable shock to me, when I first stepped into a mixed boarding school (boys and girls) - form 4. And the students were all Malays!! 100% ! It was all so new and so different to me. All this while, my best friends were Chinese and Indians, and also a few Malays from the previous school. Back then, we girls totally ruled the school (duh, of course... since we were the only gender there!).
And it felt so weird when during the assemblies, we had to sing the national anthem or something, the sound and tone of voice were so different from when I was in a girls school. (You know how girls voices are- high pitched and all). And I felt so *urghh* when the guys were the ones in control, leading this and that. They had so much more authority than the girls. (and now I sound like a feminist! ;p). So, all in all, the first few weeks of boarding school came as a culture shock to me, I even had thoughts of leaving the school . Not because of being homesick really, but more of 'schoolsickness' (missing my old school and the friends that I left more than ever!).
to be continued... ;p