About Me

Monday, April 4, 2011

Trust Me I'm (almost) a doctor!

It still seems a bit surreal, really.
But it's true! It's true! I have passed the Medical Finals exams Alhamdulillah.

I was expecting for the worst, I had even practiced how I should feel when I get the results, I had prepared myself mentally for the news, uhh.. just in case.
And I was hiding under my duvet at 3pm on results day, trying to sleep it all off, not wanting to know the news that the result would come out in a matter of minutes.

But that was until Nida came barging through the door. She obviously had checked her results, and seemed to know mine too. "Mai,, I think you passed!!" And then we were jumping up and down, hugging each other, squealing and screaming at the top of our lungs.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, this is all Allah's works. It is a miracle really, because I thought the exams were quite difficult and challenging that I thought there was no way I would make it through this time.(Out of 219 ppl, 40 failed this year so that's a fifth of the class ) . But Allah is so very Merciful, He is so very Kind, and He listens to all my prayers, and the prayers of my beloved, and He made my friends and I passed.

If there is one thing I learnt from this whole experience, it is that Usaha+Doa+Tawakal really is the key. Maybe other people will never understand the whole Medic Finals Exam experience (especially in Leicester, where you are meant to prepare for every single module/subject you've learned: Medicine, Surgery and Specialties). But the whole journey was an experience like no other. Quoting a friend, it was a physical, emotional and spiritual journey, and I am just so blessed to go through it with my beloved friends and sisters.

If you want something so badly, of course you would work hard for it, wouldn't you? But I understand now that however much you work, you have to leave it all to Allah, as there is nothing that can happen without His Will. But still you really have to work hard for it, as the effort too is counted by Allah.

And of course, I still can remember the difficult times; when the brain felt overloaded, as if there is no more space to fill any information with. Or the times when I just felt like puking it all out-as it was just getting too much.

But the thing is, you do really have to push yourself. Because by trying hard enough, at least you'll be able to tell yourself that: "At least I've tried. " It is also so very important to exchange words of motivation with your friends to keep each other's spirit high. To remind each other that we are doing all this not really for anything else.. but to please Our Lord who has always been so kind to us.

Have faith in Allah. Know that He holds the knowledge of the sky and the earth, and to Him belongs everything. Believe in Him that He is always there when you call out to Him, and that He loves you so much that He will answer your prayers.

And those are the motivations that one needs to keep on striving: to know that every time you open the book to read a chapter on Haematology for instance, the angels will come down and write those as good deeds. And if the heart is sincere, it will be reported to Allah and perhaps will be counted as deeds to enter Jannah..insyaAllah amin..

So that's Finals done and over with. The graduation day will be in July insyaAllah.

And now with some free time after the exams, I hope to engage myself fully in Islamic works, something that I have come to love and feel responsible for. Because that is one of the reason we all worked so hard for, to one day be excellent doctor-daies, as gifts for the ummah insyaAllah. To bring the ummah back to where it really belongs, to shine again...insyaAllah.

Surah Muhammad 7. O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm.

Lastly, my appreciation and thank you to all beloved people who helped me to get through the journey, my batchmates, housemates, my naqibah, sisters all over uk eire, other friends, kakak2, doctor2 etc etc.



sarahyusof said...

Congratulations mai!! Proud of you.
Make prayers for us too!
Are you going back to Msia anytime before your graduation? :)

Mai Shahira said...

eh..ingatkan dah reply td..tak keluar ke?
Jzkk Sarah :)
Anyway, saya kat Msia la ni.. cuti dan electives for 2 months insyaAllah.
Will be praying for u too insyaALlah
take care!!

sarahyusof said...

wahh ye ke, bestnyaa! blk UK semula july utk convo la kan ;). nak mintak contact number blh? bg kat fb ke..? tulis kt sini tkt org baca plk ek. sy apply tiket blk from mara 28 mei ;). manala tau blh jmpe kt msia :)