About Me

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

you've got guts?

Then you should go to Alton Towers, about one and a half hour bus ride away from Leicester. Well, at least now I have something to say when I promote ppl to come to Leicester ;p.

The rides were good, and yeah, this is coming from a scaredy-cat like me. Haha.. halfway down the rollercoaster and I would start regretting my decision to go on it. "Why on earth did I get on this thing?" And I felt like yelling at whoever invented this roller coaster thing."Jahat btul sesapa yg cipta benda ni!!Arghh!!" Hahah. Take the Oblivion for instance. Well, that's the world's first ever vertical roller coaster ride for you. Damn that was scary!! And Rita, the queen of speed. Another fast roller coaster, urghh they say even faster than the Ferrari. terbalik2 some more.. Haih..good thing I didn't throw up or anything. But yeah, once you get off it, it actually felt good.

I would have screamed out loud just for the thrill of it but I felt somehow 'safer' zipping up my mouth and stifling that scream. Screaming makes me more scared laaa.. And the others were all laughing at me because I would just sit there, head down, eyes shut, all quiet. Haha if only they knew how my heart was pounding , and how I thought I was just gonna die then and there..
well then that was officially the scariest thing that have ever happened in my life. Yup those rides in Alton Tower. Cause it felt like falling down without anything to support you. It felt like dying.

Hmm.. I was scared because of the fear of death. Then... how would it be when that time really come? When death really comes and takes me away from the face of the earth. When my soul would be free from my body ? And when the time finally arrive to come and face God, the Almighty? (Muhasabah sebentar .. tak cukup amalan lg!)... We'll never know when our time is due, kan? Better start thinking on how to tingkatkan amalan lg ni!!

salam for now...

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