About Me

Friday, August 10, 2007


(Continuation of previous entry)

A single picture can tell a thousand words. So why don't we browse through these pics and let them do the talking? [ini kes malas nak menaip ni! uhuh]

Pic: The next stop was the Market to do em..some early shopping. Bargain jangan tak bargain! "Good price good price." "Come lady, I can give you discountttt." Prestasi shopping yang agak membanggakan bagi semua orang.

Pic: We stopped at one of the mosque in Phnom Penh. The guys told us that the people there actually use Malay Language in delivering their tazkirah or etc. Coool!
Kelihatan juga di dalam gambar van kami yang berwarna putih. Perkara yang tidak boleh dilupakan pada hari itu adalah apabila driver bas yang baik dan comel telah ter-merajuk sedikit kerana makanan lunch sangat lewat sampai (ada masalah sedikit) ..kehkehkeh..die merajuk pun comel!

Pic: We were then assigned to start buying stuff in preparation of the mobile clinic, sunathon and etc. So we went out to buy medication (eg paracetamol, amoxycilin etc etc) and also some other stuff as well ( ie balloons and sweets to give to the kids, toothbrush and toothpaste for dental education etc). The shop in the pic above was where we have gotten our supply of these technical stuff.

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